Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sign up to the Khan Academy FREE

the Khan Academy is a educational website that has instructional videos on a wide range of topics, particularly science and mathematics. I like all my students to visit the site and create an account, register me as your coach and view some of the videos and exercises.

This is a link to the site

To add me as your coach see the following image:

DNA - YouTube

DNA - YouTube: ""

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Model answers for Science Point revision worksheets

Click here to download file to check answers for worksheets from Science Point. Note the 'square symbol' has replaced the arrow sign in the equation and the drawing of Ca and Cl atom is not shown.
Good luck with the test,
Miss Meehan

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Flashcards for Acids/Bases Revision

Quizlet (or Studystack) is a good resource to use for helping you to remember key definitions and concepts.

Feel free to print off the stack on AS 1.5 Acids and Bases into flash cards, or you can test yourself online and play games such as scatter and space-race to better your high score!  Click here for cards

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Crash Course in Biology

This YouTube playlist has got some good revision for Year 11 students

The most relevant videos are number 9 through to number 14.

Biology - YouTube:

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Meiosis Homework

Dear Students

Please complete the homework assignment on Meiosis by our lesson on Thursday 10 May. Email is fine to if you want to save some paper and ink. 

Below are links to the assignment and other material just in case the dog got your other sheet.

Mr Edwards